Sunday, September 8, 2013

There are so many benefits that nature alone provides us, but in our modern lifestyle it seems difficult to slowdown and learn about all of them. i use to spend so much money on  beauty products, skin care products, spa sessions, etc. That pretty much left me broke and unhappy with results. I recently changed my lifestyle after taking some nutrition classes and informing myself constantly about health, natural remedies, economy, and GMO's vs. organic. Suprisingly all of these things are combined and very well related to each other. This realization alone was so big for me that it launched my new passion. Health and wellness. Which if anyone knew me before...this was not my priority at all...but enough about me and my crazy ideas I thought I'd blog about this today. :D

 Lightening hair and skin naturally

If you are allergic to these things well obviously don't use them. Most of these items can be found in your kitchen, if not your local grocery store. If you've spent a lot of money on other things before and were still not satisfied, well it might be something worth trying. I know I have and I love it. My hair, for example is naturally a dark auburn color.  But I've been doing this at least once a week, sometimes more for the past year and I have definitely seen results, I have an ash brown with ash blonde highlights. And well I like it. it gives me the look of spending a lot time at sea, which I'm totally cool with.

Lemon >> Raw Honey>> Baking Powder>> Cinnamon>> Chamomile   :)

For hair....
Get an empty spray bottle or reuse one from an old spritzer or hairspray product. (If you do, make sure you wash it out really well before using)
The squeeze the juice from one lemon or lime into a small bowl. Brew 3 bags or 3 teaspoons of Chamomile into an 8oz glass of water, then add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, and then add 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix well until completely dissolved. Add your mixture to the spray bottle and shake it well each time before using. you can store it in the fridge and most likely no one will accidentally eat it since it's in a spray bottle. Even if they do it wont harm them, they're natural products. Last about a week. Spray it on when you're doing nothing or just relaxing at home even. If you spray it on and go out into the sunlight then results will happen faster. Then you can wash it off or shower as normally as you do, preferably with a non-sulfer shampoo and a moisterizing conditioner. Everyone's undertone is different, so if you're not ready to bleach or chemically treat your hair maybe you can try this, and see if you like it. Same recipe is used if you want to ombre your hair, just spray the tips more often than the rest of your hair. Good Luck :0

For Skin...
Have dark underarms? Inner thigh area? Elbows? Knees? Or just an annoying patch of pigmented skin or lips that is hard to cover up even with make-up? Well you could do many things about it. Chemical peels, laser treatments, various expensive potions and lotions, etc. But hey, if you don't have the money, but you got some time...because this is a gradual change. I've been doing this at least 3 times per week to my elbows and underarms for a year. Plus I have vitiligo as well in some areas, so before i lose pigment I notice an area developing darker than other areas. This reall helps to balance my skin tone and keep it clean. Lemon and honey are naturally antibacterial, antifungal, antiinflammatory, etc. freaken-amazing treasures given by nature. So here it goes... In a small mixing bowl squeeze out the juice of one lemon or lime, add one tablespoon of baking soda. You will see that it will start to foam, this  is good, it's the baking soda reacting to the citric acid in the lemon, while it's like this, use your fingers to exfoliate gently the desired area. Then wait about 10 minutes and shower or wash off normally with a soothing  soap. Don't forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day and moisterize. Good Luck ...Hope that was helpfull, have a wonderful day!! And if it sucks...well then make it wonderfull :D

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